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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Factory game (2)

yesterday when we made our own bears were like cottage farming. we only made one and didn't have to hurry. but today, when we were making the best bear, it was more of Factoty labor. we made a assembly line and there was a specialization of labors and thats what we did. and we had to really hurry up and be quick to be paid more. but when we were making in a hurry some people were making it really ugly which we would obly be paid 1/3. we did make alot more but we were all tired after making those bears.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Factory game (1)

today when we had to make our own bear, it was really like cottage industry, when we didn't worry about money, and didn't relied on time. we had limited resources, but didn't have specialization of labors nor management. we each made our own and didn't hurry so it was really high quality and he had craftsmanship.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Messy room

As soon as you try to open the brown, wooden door, which leads to your room, you have a feeling that something is stuck behind the door. you push it harder and the door crack opens and the sight infront of you makes your mind messy. All the clothes you wore last week, lie on the floor like it is trying to make a pattern on a room floor. the desk has a tower made of stock of books, pens and pencils all over your desk and all the printed papers cover the whole desk. your bed sheets are the same as when you left the room. It was impossible to step further without stepping on something. you drag your feet to avoid breaking things with your feet.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Necessity is the mother of Invention

Necessity is the mother of inventions, because when you make something, you make it because you need it or you want to do something in an easier way. For example, Alexander Graham Bell invented a phone so that people don’t have to travel miles to communicate. And also Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur invented a plane. Nowadays almost everybody takes a flight to travel different countries. Henry Ford invented the first family motor cars and made everyone’s life easier to travel within the country. So the conclusion is that people start making or ‘inventing’ new things to make life easier.

Image from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rmnboss/94636947/

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I actually learn best in visual way. When we watch something or see something and write down notes when there are important stuff. and I also think I can learn good in Kinesthetic way, because when I try to make or do something, I do researches or go over in a book. and after that I know better and know things i might have missed. so in this class i dont really mind between learning visually or Kinesthetic.

Friday, August 15, 2008

answer to questions and goals

Two highlights of the school in the 1st week of school were:
1. I had most of my classes with my friends.
2. I am in Scribbler class, which I didn't sign for it, but I think it is going to be fun.
My first impression on humanities was like i thought it was going to be tough, and hard, but so far, it was ok, and I could handle it.

my two goals for humanities this year is when I'm doing a socratic seminar, I would be able to share my thoughts and maybe discuss more with others. and other goal is to improve the grade on my vocab quizes.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Gang

In my gang, there are mostly my friends like Joe, who is always, really funny, Declan, because he helps me on the homework, and Jonathan because we are in most of the classes together. Jug, who even though he left i still chat online with him and he is very funny. Do Hyun and Kang Heun we hang out sometimes, because we studied korean stuff together before. John beacuse hes always following me and talking to me and he is a pet of the gang. JoonSik because we played basketball together every saturday, and got friendly. Adi because he were in same math class and he worked together like everyday, and he is funny and makes me laugh. Sub, a.k.a Sebastien, we had P.E. and he hung out afterschool last year. i also have some gangs in 8th grade, like Yusaku, Koichito, because we played other sports together. i n 10th grade pretty much all the koreans becaue we know each other, and he play together and whenever we see each other, we like talk, and do something fun.