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Sunday, February 15, 2009

WWII Letter

, London
July 17, 1940

Dear A.
Honey, i am sorry for not writing you a letter for a while, but it was a very busy week in London. German air forces were bombing the city, and the people are in a terrible horror write now here. i hope you are safe in Manchester. lots of evacuations for little children, due to Nazi bombings, not only London, the attacks have been in Birmingham and Portsmouth too. it is very terrifying in home fronts in major cities being attacked. the German blitz are devastating and over 43,000 are dead and 1.4 million people are homeless.

the Nazi attacks are deadly and humiliating. they also drop bombs with poison gas, so we got an order to wear gas masks for our safety. there are also rationing, which makes people get equal amount of shares of resources during the war. but we do have hopes of winning the war, thanks to the 'home guards'. it was group of people who failed military tests, armed, fighting for Britain. there are about 250,000 of them so far, thanks to Tom Wintringham who created Home Guards.

But if something bad happens and if we have to follow Zero Option (plan of moving the government out of London when its taken and when they need some place else), i still love you and i miss you very much and want to be back at home and be with you. i will write again soon.

