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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Physical Geography

Physical Geography of Southern Africa is mainly a large plateau, deserts, shrubs, rivers and a mountain range in the eastern part called Drakensberg. there are quiet a few of rivers in southern Africa. One of them is Okavango river which flows from Angola to a basin in Botswana and never touches the ocean. The rivers in southern Africa are home of many wild animals like crocodiles, zebras, and hippos. also there are tropical forests too in southern Africa. For exmaple in a large island called Madagascar, mostly made up of forests contain about 50 spcies of lemurs, apes etc. and also southern Africa has lots of minerals and other natural resources. South Africa supplies most of the world's gold. and also other countries like Botswana, Namibia and South Africa is productive diamond mines. The climaste varies from west region and the east region, the east is wet due to evaporation brought from the indian ocean and since the mountain ranges are so high, the west regoin of southern africa is dry, resulting having deserts. So overall Southern Africa has valuable minerals, home of wild animals, plateaus, deserts, and rivers. And it is a good place to visit and see the real nature and animals.